select a.appState, b.prmcde,b.thDesc,b.enDesc,b.prmRef1 from CBTBCAP024 a,( select prmCde,thDesc,enDesc,prmFlg1,prmFlg2,prmFlg3,prmRef1,prmInt1 from CBTBGNP901 where prmtyp = 'APPCASE' and recsts = 'A') b where a.appCase = b.prmCde --and a.appState = 110 and a.recsts = 'A' and prmRef1<>'Approved' --select * from CBMSAPP210 where appState=150 and endTime is null --select * from CBTBCAP024 where appState>30 and appCase='C13' --update CBTBCAP024 set appCase='C17' where appState>30 and appCase='C13' --update CBMSAPP010 set appSts='C17' where appstate=997 and appSts='C13' select appCase,appSts,* from CBMSAPP010 where appstate=997 and appSts='C13'